Archive for February 18th, 2013

Brains On Fire. Igniting powerful, sustainable, word of mouth movements. Robbin Phillips, Greg Cordell, Geno Church, Spike Jones.

Brains On Fire. Igniting powerful, sustainable, word of mouth movements. Robbin Phillips, Greg Cordell, Geno Church, Spike Jones. 2010. ISBN 9780470614181.    A useful book as it details the difference between a marketing campaign and a word of mouth movement.  It could be a reset for marketing teams who may too easily be drawn in by the “shiny object ” of the social media tools while losing track of where they are most effective in use.  I understood the role of leaders and diversity in WofM projects.   I learned about  the positive impact of imposing  a barrier to entry has on take up and commitment.  Better 5000 rabid fans than 10% of 50 000 tepid ones.  You will enjoy the requisite company examples such as Fiskers and non profits like Love 146.  Its an easy breezy read, professionally done and worth it, if you are in marketing.