Archive for December 31st, 2012

Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson

Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson
Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson (Photo credit: elycefeliz)

Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson. 2011. ISBN 9781451648539. This book has been on my Kindle forever. I had a chance during the holidays to finally get to it.   It was simply  delightful.  Unvarnished, no fan boy prose, just a good story.   The author was able to acknowledge the reality distortion field and rise above it to see what was going on.  I have probably read every book and article I could find about Jobs, but this book really wraps the whole story up. Lots of quotes from others and lots of pure Steve.  If you choose to read this – your time is well spent. I found it inspirational and full of good learning.