Archive for August 10th, 2012

The Accidental Salesperson. 2nd ed. Chris Lytle.


The Accidental Salesperson. 2nd ed.Chris Lytle.2012. ISBN 9780814430866.  The first ed. sold 50 000 copies and the 2nd has  been updated to include the new tools available.  To me the basics never grow old. Very few of us in sales started out intending to be salespeople. We could not go to school to learn how to.  We accidentally became salespeople.  This is a book for all of us who still want to become all that we can be as salespeople.  This is how to be efficient and effective at the same time.  I like his focus on the buyer.  The author really hits the nail on the head and makes this book eminently readable and usable.  The system and process laid out  is potent medicine in the hands of an individual salesperson and dynamite in the hands of a sales manager.   See www.theaccidentalsalesperson2012. com  for more gems and useful bits.  This book is great for a 4 hour plane trip (ea way) but plan on being engrossed in it. I am thinking this is the salesbook of the year for me.