Archive for February 26th, 2011

The pH Miracle For Diabetes. The revolutionary diet plan for type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Robert O. Young (Dr.) & Shelly Redford Long.

Overview of the most significant possible symp...

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The pH Miracle For Diabetes. The revolutionary diet plan for type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Robert O. Young (Dr.)  & Shelly Redford Long. 2004.  ISBN 0446691003.  The author, a microbiologist, noted in his research that there was more to the diabetic increase in our populations than could be explained by what the medical profession was saying.  Not all diseases are caused by germs, but depend more on contributory factors within the patients own body.  Yes for Type 2 , obesity is a big one, evidently for every excess 10 pounds you carry your A1C goes up by a point ( and today most of us only have about 2-3 points to play with until we are pre-diabetic) .  Young’s premise is that our North American  diet is over acidic and it is this over acidity that wrecks havoc on our body.  To right this one has to do a fairly significant dietary makeover  Certainly increasing your raw veggie intake is a part of this as is the elimination of  acidic meats  (cold water fish is is quite good).  The tech industry is certainly full of folks like  Ellison and Jobs who are real advocates of raw foods. The book is a good easy read and  makes sense.  So if this is of interest to you, it is not waste of time.  Lots of recipes in the appendix.