Archive for October 28th, 2009

Guns Germs, and Steel. The fates of human society. Jared Diamond

Jared Diamond at the 2007 Association of Ameri...
Image via Wikipedia

Guns Germs, and Steel. The fates of human society. Jared Diamond. 1997. ISBN 139780393317558.   When first published this book set new ideas in motion as to why over time some  civilizations rise and flourish, while others do not. His insights into the ease of trade and technology movement allowed with the east west alignment of Eurasia vs the NS alignment of North America based on geographic and climatic zones is very useful.  His long cycle analysis of China, New Guinea, Polynesia and other sociaties gave us ideas about species extinction, warfare, and technology acceptance as well as showing how groups benefits from smallness and friendly competition ( unity of China vs fragmentation of Europe) . The base work still stands to help create a “science” of history and it has made it much more relevant to the  average reader.  The authors reputation  has suffered over the years from what appears to be some inability to validate some of his references, especially in New Guinea.  His writing style is pedantic and repetitive, with an inability to “stay on course” to finish an idea with an idea before veering off to a pet thesis.  If you are a history buff this book warrants a serious read and is worth it.

Why Your World is About to Get a Whole Lot smaller. Oil and the end of globalization. Jeff Rubin

Why Your World is About to Get a Whole Lot smaller. Oil and the end of globalization. Jeff Rubin

Why Your World is About to Get a Whole Lot smaller. Oil and the end of globalization. Jeff Rubin. 2009. ISBN 9780307357519. This may be the most important book you read this year. Rubin was the Chief Economist for CIBC World Markets and one of the first to accurately predict soaring oil prices in 2000. He makes some very strong arguments for the return of high oil prices in a swinging up and down cycle, with the highs getting progressively higher and the lows being set at the most recent highs. Our dependence (and the 3rd worlds) on oil has not been reduced even tho’ we are getting more efficient with it. He makes a very good case that we should look at how our life will change and how we should change our investment outlook if:
a carbon tax is a new way for NA to level the economic playing field
Oil prices just continue to go up
Massive deficits create an inflationary economy
Global growth remains at 1-2%
Large government debts need to be paid back with higher taxes and cutbacks
The US dollar not longer is the world reserve currency and the US can not inflate its way to a recovery
Eating local vs globally becomes a necessity vs a luxury.
I suggest you get this book and read it.