Archive for June, 2009

Commercial Insurance Claim Secrets Revealed. Russell D. Longcore


Commercial Insurance Claim Secrets Revealed. Russell D. Longcore. 2009. This is much more than just an overview of the commercial insurance market. This serves as an easy to grasp  handbook for anyone who has to  deal with commercial insurance. The author has been in the game for a long time and  already wrote a book on consumer insurance that did quite well.  I was able to validate many of the costly lessons learned over many years in business and as a Condominium Strata Council member.  The book is useful regardless of Canadian or US insurance rules. There are only a very few US specific examples used.  If you are a growing company or a mature one with real estate assets and you have insurance, your HR/Ops depts. should have a copy of this book.  You can order it  ($19 US) from   It should save you money.

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