Archive for February 4th, 2009

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The Designful Company. A whiteboard overview. Marty Neumeier.

Image representing Steve Jobs as depicted in C...
Image via CrunchBase

The Designful Company. A whiteboard overview. Marty Neumeier. 2009. ISBN 9780321580061.  An easy to read but insightful look at the impact of design on long term profits and shareholder value.  I have waited a long time for an analysis like this.  You will find a well thought out and logical train from the core of design to the company bottom line.  Lesson learned was the story of Samsung and how a focus on design has resluted in significant product growth.  There are lots of folks with the CEO/designer genes beyond Steve Jobs in the world.   Good airplane book in that you do not need many  words to speak the truth.

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