Archive for October 14th, 2008

Internet Dough. Create a business internet strategy to make more dough. Don Philabaum.

Tigre Market 2

Image by reg_nordman via Flickr

Internet Dough. Create a business internet strategy to make more dough. Don Philabaum. 2008. The numbers of ebooks that are finding my inbox is rising by the week. One of the best is this one. Internet Dough (200pp) is well research


d, with thoughtful comments and examples. It is very current on all the various Web 2.0 applications. If yo

u are a marketing person, who is looking for one volume to point you in the right direction with all this “stuff” then I recommend this

The book offers:
· Dozens of best practices and examples of how companies have adopted Internet strategies.

· Proven technologies they can immediately get started with.
· 30 exercises to help the

reader develop an Internet strategy for their firm.

A tag cloud with terms related to Web 2.

Image via Wikipedia

· 5 critical elements to include in a business Internet strategy.
His strongest part is the chapter on ROI. It is one of the better analyses I have seen.

If you want a version of the book goto .

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