March 8th 2008

Nurturing – Part II

Nurturing – Part II.  while reading Thomas Freese’ book, The New Era of Salesmanship,(See Review) he made a point about how prospects can lose interest quickly after that first very successful phone call./contact/trade show meet. We have all experienced it.  He goes on to emphasis  that the sales person needs to  constantly renew the pain solutions and implications to the client of not proceeding  and why thats important to him during the  of the sales process.  Folks are busy and have lots on their plate , so urgency will diminish.  You remember all that you have said to client, bu tits likely they have not.  Nurturing programs give the client a regular “shot” of reasons why they should consider your solution.  The message is a silent assistant to the salesman, helping to maintain the urgency. You are looking to take some of the client mindshare over time.

I am learning (??) Spanish and this has some bearing. I have found that to learn a word I have to concentrate and use it in context  over 16 times  (So I am told).  Now I want to learn and I am focussed, but its hard for this engineer. How much more difficult is it for your messsage to penetrate a target when they are likely initially less motivated to act on your product than I am  to learn a new language?.  In your Nurturing program, your message has to create curiosity ain the target and ensure that you are seen as something different from all the other noise in a prospects work life?  Its simple, but hard to do right.

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