Archive for October 4th, 2007

Creating Sales Velocity. Awaken your power to attract sales effortlessly. Matthew Ferry.

Creating Sales Velocity. Awaken your power to attract sales effortlessly. Matthew Ferry. 2005. ISBN 097619290X. Sometimes you just have to blame semantics. I have my ideas about sales velocity- the act of shortening your sales cycle ( By the way we have been overly successful at this recently). The author ‘s meaning? Well its something like Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Napolean Hill and NLP all rolled into one. Its all good, but this book is short! 1/2 inch thick and 5 inches high! 139 pp. Its truly a pocketbook! A small pocket! ( My mother is saying in my memory, ” If you can’t say anything nice about something, better to say nothing at all!” ) So let me say that I learned something about the author and something about myself. But perhaps I knew myself all along.