Archive for August 27th, 2006

Same Game New Rules. Bill Caskey

Same Game New Rules. Bill Caskey 23 Timeless Principles for Selling and
Negotiating. 2006. ISBN 0975851039. Caskey has been a long time sales
trainer who has had some recent exposure in the high performance sales
podcasts of note. His approach ties in very well with our Integrated
Sales and marketing results. As I find these treasures, I just wish they
had written these books many years ago, so much time so much money that
was missed! This is to me the sales book of the year so far. Our
research/experience validates so much of what he is saying. Deceptively
easy read, and you can tell he comes at things with a coaching
viewpoint. ‘Nuff said, you have to buy it. Cheaper/faster from his
site Good free stuff buried there as well.

Reg Nordman – Managing Partner
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