Archive for October 31st, 2001

The e-Commerce Question and Answer book. A survival guide for

The e-Commerce Question and Answer book. A survival guide for
business managers. Anita Rosen. 2000.
ISBN 0814405258.
The hidden gem is that this was published by Amacom. the American
Management Association.

This style asks a question E.g. What is effective web copy?
gives perhaps four one to two line answers and
then under Tell Me More, you get the two to three page
detailed answer. This is very useful if you need to explain your technology
to non technical people. The data is accurate, useful and well written.
Not too dated.

Guerrilla Marketing Online. Jay Conrad Levinson

Guerrilla Marketing Online. Jay Conrad Levinson 1995. ISBN 0395728592. Found this one for $2 at an Indigo clearout. How the mighty have fallen , since 1/2 way through I wondered if I should have spent the toonie on a coffee instead. More pleasure from the coffee. If you have read any other guerilla marketing topics by Levinson, then you have already read this book. Talk about repurposing text! Blatent search and replace followed by a new cover. And he had help in doing it from Charles Rubin! His website gives as much info for free ( but drives you crazy with pop-ups, gaudy graphics and so on.) Face it Jay, you are a prehistoric marketeer, be cheap just don’t look so cheap. Enough said.

Open Sources. Voices from the Open Source Revolution.

Open Sources. Voices from the Open Source Revolution 1999 O’Reilly book. ISBN 1565925823. A chance encounter with this book led to a whole lot of fun. Written when Open Source was early and hot, it is filled with boundless energy, optimism and unexpectedly, some good prose. E.G. Larry Wall writes about everything but Perl, yet it is still about Perl. No doubt that these are some of the very smart, who think about everything. Fourteen authors contributed including founders of Red Hat, Apache, Cygnus, Linux,, Berkely UNIX and so on. There is something to learn here, especially when you look at intents. Get it from the library. Slightly dated, but it wears well.

The Anatomy of Buzz. How to create word of mouth advertising. Emanuel Rosen.

The Anatomy of Buzz. How to create word of mouth advertising. Emanuel Rosen. 2000 ISBN 0385496672.
Ever wonder How Trivial Pursuit, Hotmail, ICQ, The Blair Witch Project, and Palm Pilot all managed to hit so hard so quickly, so inexpensively? Rosen does a very good job of laying out how to manage buzz. In light of present market realities, we can all learn from this book. Buy it, do not lend and keep it handy. ( Also well read and easy to use)