{"id":712,"date":"2008-09-02T12:52:53","date_gmt":"2008-09-02T20:52:53","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.regnordman.com\/?p=712"},"modified":"2008-09-02T12:55:03","modified_gmt":"2008-09-02T20:55:03","slug":"stop-acting-like-a-seller-and-start-thinking-like-a-buyer-jerry-acuff-wally-wood","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.regnordman.com\/2008\/09\/02\/stop-acting-like-a-seller-and-start-thinking-like-a-buyer-jerry-acuff-wally-wood\/","title":{"rendered":"Stop acting like a seller and Start Thinking Like a Buyer. Jerry Acuff & Wally Wood."},"content":{"rendered":"
\"Book<\/a>Book cover via Amazon<\/a> <\/span><\/div>\n

Stop acting like a seller and Start Thinking Like a Buyer. Jerry Acuff & Wally Wood<\/a>. 2007. ISBN 9780470068342.\u00a0 From his first questions through to the examples and stories, the author immediately takes you to a very real place in the selling world.\u00a0 This easy to read, insightful and hard hitting book is so far my Book of the Year for sales people. If you want to truly succeed\u00a0 at todays sales game – get and read this book above all else.\u00a0 If you don’t , then quit reading now – life is just\u00a0 going to be too tough for you.\u00a0 In his words ( wish I had written these) “great salesmen inform, involve, engage and provoke thought”.\u00a0 “People will buy what they want not what you think they need”\u00a0 “You are trying to see if your product is a fit for what they want.” Acuff blows the accepted\u00a0 statements about sales out the window, showing you how to really prepare for each call, to setup for success or a quick no.\u00a0 He leads you to understand that this is a sales conversation not ever a sales call.<\/p>\n

A great insight on the changing nature of sales leads to day- which we well know of.\u00a0 Prospects, when in their research, knowledge pursuit stage do not want to be “called on’ , trial sold or pursuaded.\u00a0 They want information and to learn.\u00a0 Later when ready, they may engage you (if you made the short list)\u00a0 and they want you to have done as much homework on them as they have done on you- to be able to get right down to “what are you and your products going to do for me?”\u00a0 They do not want to sit down and discuss with every salesmen their problems, pains etc. There is no time for this and expect you to do this on your own. So when your website indicates a new lead – the worst thing your sales team could do is to rush and call them up – does sales really know what they are getting into?. Of course not.<\/p>\n

Gotta love this stuff!<\/p>\n
